May 24Liked by Steve Ruiz

Now do Figma -vs- tldraw!

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May 23Liked by Steve Ruiz

Have you ever considered offering rapid reordering of adjacent note elements (like Figma’s purple dots). Doesn’t need an auto layout frame, just a selection of aligned notes. One can then re-sort their notes very quickly (which is ideal in a fast moving group discussion). The alternative of making space and reshuffling the notes takes many, many more steps. Even Miro lacks this.

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May 23Liked by Steve Ruiz

Spicy take. I like it.

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Is there a more verbose rationale for this? It's a pretty lazy "insight."

Miro gives me solid fills for shapes, tldraw *still* doesn't. On the other hand, Miro doesn't have a simple line tool that doesn't suck.

You have to work with the tool that ticks most of the boxes for your own use case. Currently, for me, Miro is that tool. I had hopes for tldraw, but each of these whiteboards seems to have their own philosophy as to how they should be used, and if that doesn't fit my philosophy, I'm out.

I'm a teacher. I want to be able to draw things (like shapes with a solid fill). I want to be able to easily align elements. I don't care about org charts. I don't need AI to write code for me.

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Sorry, bit of a joke post! Two very different apps with different use-cases, though thanks for the feedback / ideas. (Also apologies for the other reply here, I’ve hidden that).

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You can't tell from my replies, but I *did* sense the intent of the post... 😊

I just got my hopes up when I saw the notification because I really like both platforms and a comparison would be cool. Each is *almost* what I'm looking for in terms of feature sets - If they had a baby together I would adopt it 😄

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Then why exactly are you subscribed to this substack you narcissistic fuckwit

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I don't normally respond to mouth-breathers like yourself, but in case there's someone *else* with a little more class out there wondering why I'm posting, it's because I still see potential in tldraw, and monitor the evolution of several such tools. I'm not religiously bound to one or another, I use the one that fits my needs at the time.

I'm assuming this isn't just an echo chamber for fanboys. If I'm wrong, I'll withdraw.

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I can assure you that this isn't an echo chamber, and your comments are very welcome.

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Thank you, I appreciate that.

A question - Does tldraw have an intended market in mind? (i.e. coders/managers/educators/everyone?) I'm under the impression that the people creating whiteboard apps have particular use cases in mind as they prioritize features (e.g. flow charts for the coders, or org charts for the managers - I suppose you could create a mind map using those tools as a generally useful education thing, but it's not something I need personally)

Has anyone there asked a question like "We want to appeal to the education market (for example), what kind of features do they need?" as opposed to developing features that appeal to people in-house at tldraw, without a particular focus on user segments?

Not trying to be snarky, btw, just personally curious how likely I am to move the needle on things I want to see.

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Select a shape and press alt/option + F for a nice surprise.

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I saw that 😊

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May 28·edited May 28

Forgive me if you're aware of this but while tldraw.com is a whiteboard app, tldraw itself is primarly a developer library containing a highly customisable canvas that is licensed out to other companies to make tools that they need. tldraw.com functions as a free-to-use and very good demo of what an application layer around the library could look like. Questions like the ones you've posed are asked all the time and are informed by the needs of current and potential customers who are looking to license the library, as well as users of tldraw.com.

Users of tldraw.com can and do suggest features all the time in our discord channel and also on our github repo. If you're looking to move the needle those would be great places to go.

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